Hagerstown, MD
Frederick, MD
Haymarket, VA
Helping you become financially confident
Did you know? Americans spend more time researching for a new vehicle than looking at retirement plan options or mortgage loans?
Financial planning is the process of meeting your life goals through the proper management of your financial resources. This may include purchasing a home, saving for college or planning for retirement. Financial planning is a process, not a transaction. The goal is to adopt a big-picture, integrative approach to your personal finances. Financial planning is about controlling spending, managing credit, reducing taxes, increasing savings, protecting family and assets, and building wealth for the future. This process entails gathering financial information, establishing life goals, evaluating your current financial status, and developing a strategy to help you achieve your life goals.
The Planning Process
Step 1:
Learn about your personal financial situation.
Your advisor will review your assets, debt, current and potential future income, expenses and goals.
Step 2:
Identify primary objectives and quantify your goals. Build an easy to follow budget.
Categorize your lifelong hopes and dreams into several primary goals, such as retirement, a wedding, new car, or to become debt-free by reducing monthly interest payments and more.
Step 3:
Financial tools such as ClientWorks will help you visualize the performance of your portfolio.
Reviewing and analyzing your portfolio will determine the likeliness of reaching your goals based on your current course.
Step 4:
Creating a plan together that highlights what is recommended based on the analysis.
You will be able to see potential outcome of your proposed path and its potential benefit.
Step 5
Implement the strategies chosen by you and your advisor.
Your portfolio is monitored and periodically
Enjoy the convenience of personalized planning!
As advisors, we help you determine what is the most important to you and design strategies that will help you meet your goals. Our financial planning process allows us to identify all areas of your life that may impact your finances and your short and long-term goals.
Armed with this information, we help you make decisions and put in place strategies that will to address your goals through each stage of life. This comprehensive plan provides you with a long-term outlook that measures your progress toward these goals.
Financial planning encompasses a lot more than just planning for retirement or designing the right investment portfolio. We broaden our scope to ensure your goals at each stage of life are covered in our plan, whether you are starting out and saving for a home, looking to set aside money for your child’s education, planning for retirement or looking past retirement to wealth transfer. We will discuss goals you might not have considered, like future gifting to your children or a favorite charity. We will also cover saving versus spending and review the impact of certain financial decisions on the likelihood of reaching your objectives.
By working together in a financial planning framework, you will know what you need to reach your lifetime goals and have a plan to help you work toward them!